Chicago Sunsets


Attn: Blog-o-Sphere, make room for Lauren, she has lots to share!

I would like to introduce Lauren from "Please make rice, I love you", a blog that has some great photography from the East Coast. If you want to know why she named the blog that, make sure you ask her in the comments on her blog when visting, She will let you know. She is very witty in the short time that I have been speaking to her through the web chat module. Oh yeah, did I tell you yet that she and her friends have produced some great videos to watch on her site? She has and I must say, you will learn a lot from her and see her vision through the camera lens. She is creative in all aspects and for someone that is (my word) super cute as well-you wouldn't expect to see her as a landscaper. She is! So check her out and leave a comment and let her know that you saw her at Chicago Sunsets.

Thank you Lauren for being on the blog this week and I hope to show a photo or two through this upcoming week as a preview of what you have to share.


-------------------------->>>>>She is over there----> Renter!

Now click away and show her some traffic, you won't be disappointed!

Posted by Chrisk67 :: 12:30 PM :: 0 Comments:

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