Chicago Sunsets |
::Chicago Sunsets::
::Picture Taker:: Name::Chrisk67 From::Boston, MA, United States
Sports fanatic that loves to talk and write sports.
::Recent Shoots::
Another cold and cloudy day...
Happy Holidays... A beauty... and for days that nature doesn't give me... Nasty Chicago Weather... 11/12/05 Tornado? 11/11/05 If I could have just lived over there.. Not prepared for the outside elements... Daylight Savings Time 10/30
September 2005
October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 October 2006
The Roll...
12/02/2005 "Fill in Friday" at Chicago Sunsets It has been another cold and cloudy day here in the Windy City. There hasn't been any nice sunsets to show for here. I have been in contact with a new internet friend named Kenny that has taken some trips to some very nice places in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. He has given Chicago Sunsets permission to show his work. I will feature his work on days that we aren't fortunate to have pictures from here. Enjoy! Puerto Escondido Sunset Thank you Kenny Chris Kulturides
::My Other Sites::
::Please visit our Renter!:: Click Here! ::Weather and Links::
::Important Information:: All photographs are the sole property of Chris Kulturides
and any use of these photographs without expressed written consent
is prohibited by law.
If you are going to steal my work, at least make a donation. Thank you.
All photographs are available for sale.
::How many sunsets have been seen:: |