Chicago Sunsets |
::Chicago Sunsets::
::Picture Taker:: Name::Chrisk67 From::Boston, MA, United States
Sports fanatic that loves to talk and write sports.
::Recent Shoots::
"Better late than never"
"Timeline" "Untouched" A Sunset on the run... Captured... Rays of light and great colors... A weekend of cold weather and nice sunsets Sweet Sunset in Chicago... Off to the Mystic Aquarium, Mystic, CT. Guest post from Rob at "Robservations"
September 2005
October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 October 2006
The Roll...
3/10/2006 "Day and Night" This post is long, but after you are done looking, please head over to "Saltwater Joy's" great photoblog where I loved the pictures. She was picked out of many and it is such a great blog that I had never seen before. Head on over and leave a comment that you just came from Chicago Sunsets, I am sure that they will be pleased. O.k... This is a long one just to let you know. It is done over the hour of 5:30 to 6:30, Friday rush hour here in Chicago. Please open all these pictures when looking at them because the small middle column doesn't do them justice. Tomorrow the City of Chicago dyes the Chicago River green and I will have pictures of that as well. In the spirit of St. Patricks Day and the parade here tomorrow, the City starts there recognition of the "holiday" with the last 2 photographs. Those photo's were taken at 10:45 p.m. So, some sunsets pictures, a little bit of Chicago in your living room and some fun evening shots. Enjoy! If you open up this picture, you can see Wells Ave in Chicago. Here you can also see the highrises that line the Western side of Lake Michigan. This shot is taken from my balcony, 37 floors from the ground. As a side note, in the spring and summer if you open this up, just past the steeple in the middle of the picture is where Wrigley Field is located. Sears Tower and the rose colored glow from the sunset. My neighborhood and the passing "El" (elevated) trains of Chicago. In this picture that looks West, if you open it there is a rather large building on the left edge-- that is the United Center and home to the Chicago Bulls and the Blackhawks. I would like to note, of all the pictures I took for the sunset finish, I like this one for the reflection of the sun from the large puddle in the parking lot. (bottom middle) The Metra Commuter Rail heading West. A very warm sun to close out the day in the city. <><><><><><><><><><><><><> In honor of St. Patricks Day and the parade tomorrow the buildings in the city show there support. This is the Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL (Please open for a larger view) A little different at night, the Sears and the other office buildings lit in green. Have a great weekend. Remember, please pay a visit to Saltwater Joy's and take part in the credit give away! Thanks for stopping by.
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::Important Information:: All photographs are the sole property of Chris Kulturides
and any use of these photographs without expressed written consent
is prohibited by law.
If you are going to steal my work, at least make a donation. Thank you.
All photographs are available for sale.
::How many sunsets have been seen:: |